Accept rules
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Confirm email
Our review
Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No racism, sexism, ableism or pretty much any other ism. Instances who do this are defederated. Users who do this are nuked from orbit.
Trans/homo/otherphobia will be nuked on sight. If it continues, so will you.
I can't control what you do on other instances, but if you have an account on this instance, you will be respectful at all times. Otherwise, you will no longer have an account on this instance.
Don't troll, don't feed the trolls. Just... don't.
Accounts on this server are manually approved. I will not create you an account because I know you. I may deny your request because I know you.
This is a safe instance. If you are not safe here, talk to me. If you make it unsafe here for someone else, I'll be talking to you.
For all other loopholes, use common sense. *Please* use common sense. I don't need the headache.